About Me
Ben Jones Investments is dedicated to providing fundamental equity research analysis for investors globally. We look for companies that are mis-priced and can provide outsized returns with a wide margin of safety. The equity research is detailed and provides insight and value to institutional investors, high net worth individuals, and sophisticated retail investors who have an interest in managing their own investments.
Our reports include:
- Share price targets
- Financial modelling
- Detailed analysis of business operations with forward guidance
- Careful assessment of the opportunities and risks
- Conversations with management
Research reports are published on companies that meet our investment criteria.
Ben has over 8 years experience in the finance world. He founded Ben Jones Investments after spending 4 years on the FX sales desk at UBS in London. Ben’s years of experience include both equity research and macroeconomics. For examples of Ben’s work, please download the free equity research report and enjoy the free macro pieces on our website.